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A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti
(Compiled by)
Joseph Marcel Georges and
Fessando Suffren
Photo: Courtesy Fessando Suffren.
January 2021
Updated November, 2021
2020. BARTHAUD, Patricia. Doctoral Dissertation: “Counter-Narratives: Haitians in Economic Transiton”. Doctor of Education (Ed.D). University of San Francisco.
2020. BLANCO, Masaya Llavaneras. Doctoral Dissertation: “Fanm Pa Chita: Mobili A: Mobilities, In Ties, Intimate Labour, And Abour, And Political Subjetical Subjectivities Among H Ties Among Haitian Women on the AN Women on The Move”. 212 p. Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo. Ontario, Canada.
2020. GREENOUGH-HODGES, Kimberly Ann. Doctoral Dissertation: “Haitian Vodou: ‘Pwen’ (Magical Charge) in Ritual Context”. 250 p. University of Texas at Dallas.
2020. PAULEUS, Ose. Doctoral Dissertation: “An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Charcoal Production in Haiti: Land Change, Biodiversity, and Socioeconomics”. University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras. Department of Environmental Science. (Defended on December 2020). Publication: “Haiti has more forests than previously reported: land change 2000-2015”.
2020. MOISE, Petrouchka Louise Leslie. Doctoral Dissertation: “Mitan-Morphic: The Study of the Evolution of the Contemporary Haitian Artist in Relation to Historical Trauma”. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.
2020. SMITH, Effie. Master Thesis: “Livelihoods in the Balance: Haitians, Haitian-Dominicans and Precarious Work in the Dominican Republic”. Penn State. [Keywords: Batey, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Migrant workers, Precarious livelihood, Precarious work].
2019. BUCHANAN, Javid. “Deconstructing Language Ideologies with Self-Reflective Writing in an ESL Classroom in Haiti : A Critical Discourse Analysis Case Study”. CUNY City College. [Key words /Subjects: Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Pedagogy, English language learning, Haiti, Haitian Creole, Language Ideology, Multilingualism].
2019. DEWAR, William Vince. “The Issue of Language in Haitian Education: An inquiry into the factors Hindering Haitian Creole Usage in Primary Schoolings”. 55 p. Florida State University. “[A thesis submitted to the Department of International Affairs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with honors in the Major”].
2019. HACKENBRUCH, Veronica Ann Rousseau. “Haiti’s Disempowerment: A Consideration towards Social Awareness and Agricultural Development”. Harvard University. [A thesis in the field of International Relations for the Degree of Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies].
2019. HEPPELMANN, Eva. Doctoral Dissertation: “Fanm ak Pouvwa: Images of Women in Haitian Sovereignty”. University of California-Los Angeles. 300 p.
2019. LEXIDORT, Marie Rachele. Master Thesis: “Determining the Presence or Absence of Euscepes postfasciatus in Haiti and use of Molecular Markers for the Distinction of Cylas formicarius elangantulus Biotypes”. (Master of Science). Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.
2019. MAINVIEL, Riphine. Master of Science Thesis: “Agronomic Performance And Genetic Diversity Of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Varieties In Haiti”. 75 p. University of Florida. [Keywords /Subjects: agronomic, bean, breeding, genetic].
2019. OXINÉ, Bonel. Thèse de doctorat (doctoral / Ph.D dissertation). Pour une Sociodidactique du plurilinguisme du contexte martiniquais: enjeux institutionnels, didactiques et sociolinguistiques. Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. Date de soutenance : 18 décembre 2019. Lieux: Monpellier, France. [Structure de recherches: Membre du LangsÉ (Laboratoire Langue, Société, Education – Université d’État d’Haïti, Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée); Axe 3 : Sociolinguistique, Didactique, Créolistique (SODICRÉ) – Membre Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactiqes, Éducation et Formation (LIRDEF) /Faculté de Sciences de l’Éducation de l’Université Montpellier Paul-Valery 3. – BIOGRAPHIE : Membre du Laboratoire langue, société, éducation (LangsÉ), Bonel Oxiné enseigne à la Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée de l’Université d’État d’Haïti. En 2019, à L’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, il a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat intitulé Pour une Sociodidactique du plurilinguisme du contexte martiniquais: enjeux institutionnels, didactiques et sociolinguistiques. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs articles, parmi lesquels «Enseigner le FOS aux étudians haïtiens : du contexte social au contexte universitaire (dans Dominique Markey et Saskia Kindt (dirs.) Français sur objectifs spécifiques : nouvelles recherches, nouveaux modèles, Éds. Garant : Bruxelles, 2016; «Éducation par le numérique en Haïti: enjeux, défis et perspectives» (en collaboration avec Nirvah Jean-Jacques), Voix plurielles, Vol. 2, No 12, 2015; «Lan kreyòl pou klere lespri» (en collaboration avec Mérant, W.), La Matin, octobre 2008; «Kreyòl la klè, pale l», Bon Nouvèl, nov. 2006; «Ak lang nou devan nou, kilti n devan, nou ka vanse», Bon Nouvèl, novanm /desanm 2007. – Sa tout récente publication, «Vers une approche complémentaire d’une didactique du créole haïtien» (en collaboration avec Fréderic Torterat, de l’Université de Montpellier est titrée) (Robert Berrouët-Oriol (coord.), CIDIHCA-Éditions Zémès : Canada /Haïti , 2021. – Suite à une désignation du côté de la Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée, Oxiné travaille actuellement sur l’objectif 3 en tant que membre d’une équipe pédagoqique à ladite Faculté dans le cadre d’un project dénommé «EdukAyiti» consistant à élaborer et mettre en œuvre d’un dispositif d’apprentissage de la lecture au premier cycle de l’École Fondamentale haïtienne. --
RESUMÉ: Mes travaux portent sur une Sociodidactique basée sur les usages et les représentations du bilinguisme créole-français tel qu’observé dans l’un des départements d’outre-mer français (la Martinique). Je tâche d’appliquer cette approche du fait que, selon moi, ce type de démarche scientifique est la plus adaptée au contexte plurilingue que constitue celui des départements d’outre-mer français. Il s’agit avant tout d’apporter des réponses empiriques aux questions d’ordres didactique, sociolinguistique, mais aussi éducatif e de politique linguistique liées à la coexistence du français et du créole en Martinique. Une telle perspective s’impose d’autant plus que mes travaux de doctorat ont bénéficié d’un mandat d’une institution française, le Conseil Régional de Martinique, de sorte à fournir des éléments d’une recherche doctoral susceptible d’intéresser tant les institutions et les différents acteurs du systèm scolaire français en contexte martiniquais, que bien entendu la Communauté scientifique. À titre à la fois épistémologique et méthodologique, d’autres approches sont tout aussi pertinentes, notamment celles que l’on peut qualifier d’interculturelle et d’interdidactique, et je m’en saisis avec une relative régularité dans mes travaux de doctorat. Néanmoins, il m’a semblé davantage opportun d’entrer dans une démarche d’élucidation du bilinguisme créole-français, avec ce qu’il implique en termes de variété linguistique et de diversité d’usages, sous un regard sociolinguistique. Cette perspective a fini par s’imposer au cours de ma recherche, à l’appui d’hypothèses intégrant des problématiques issues tant de la linguistique, que de la sociologie des usages, de l’analyse des discours institutionnels, des sciences de l’éducation et de l’anthropologie culturelle. -- MOTS-CLE: anthpology culturelle, bilinguisme créole-français, contexte plurilingue, interculturelle, interdidactique, sociodidactique, sociologie des usages.
ABSTRACT: My work relates a Sociodidacticss of Caribbean Creole, based on Creole-French bilingualism and representations such as observed in one French overseas departments (Martinique). I attemp to apply this approach because, according to me, this scientific approach is more adapted to multilingual context that the one constitutes French overseas departments. The idea is first provide anecdotal answers to didactic, sociolinguistics but also educational an linguistic policy issues related to coexistence of the French and of Creole in Martinique. Such an approach established itself not least because my work is benefiting from a mandate of a French institute, the Regional Concils of Martinique, to provide information of a doctorate investigation susceptible to interest both the institutions and different actors of the French school system from Martinique context than obviously scientific community. By way at a time epistemological and methodological, other approaches are also applicable; especially those that can be qualified intercultural and inter-teaching, then I will take up those approaches with a regularity in my doctorate work. However, it seemed to me more appropriate to inter into an initiative of elucidation of Creole-French bilingualism, with what it entails in terms of linguistic variety and diversity uses, in a Sociodidactics light. This approach ends up being imposed during my investigation, in support of hypotheses incorporating issued of both the linguistics, then usages sociology, of the analysis of institutional discourse, of sciences of education and on cultural anthropology. -- KEY WORDS: creole-french bilingualish, cultural anthropology, intercultural, inter-teaching, multilingual context, sociodidactics, usages sociology.
2019. ST-HILAIRE, Wilgyms. Doctoral Dissertation: “Prostate Cancer Screening Rates for Haitian Men Based on Demographic Characteristics”. 171 p. Walden University.
2019. TEZIL, David. Doctoral Dissertation: “The nasalization of the Haitian Creole Determiner La in non-nasal Contexts: A Variationist Sociolinguistic Study”. Indiana University. [Keywords/Subjects: Contact Language, Creole, Haitian Creole, Kreyol; Creole Linguistics; Variationist].
2018. DARDOMPRE, M. Carey. “La Lodyans, un romanesques haïtien : Perspectives historique, poétique et didactique» (thèse de doctorat : doctoral dissertation). Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. France. 2018. [Equipe de recherche : DILTEC – Didactique des languaes, des textes et des cultures].
2018. CLEEFORD, Pavilus. Master of Science Thesis: “Assessing Rice Consumers’ Preferences and Willingness to pay in Haiti”. MS in Agricultural Economics. University of Arkansas. [Key words /Subjects: Consumer preferences, Food insecurity, Haitian, Random Utility, Willingness to pay].
2018. CLOCKSIN, Jeana Danaé. Senior Honor Thesis: “Unearthing early Haitian Creole Literature: The literary, linguistic and sociocultural significance of Ti-Jak by Carrié Paultre”. The College at Brockport.
2018. FANFAN, Amanda C. Doctoral Dissertation: “The Role of Migration-Related Stress in Depression Among Haitian Immigrants in Florida: A Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory Approach”. University of South Florida. 186 p.
2018. GEORGES, Sky. Doctoral Dissertation: “An In-Depth Analysis Of The Lived Experience Of Agricultural Undergraduate Students in Haiti”. 204 p. University of Florida. [Keywords /Subjects: educaction, higher, satisfaction, satisfaction]
2018. KAISER, Bonnie N. Doctoral Dissertation: “An anthropological investigation of mental health in Haiti: Language measurement, and the socio-spiritual world”. Emory University. [Key words /Subjects: Anthropology, Health Sciences, Medical and Forensic, Mental Health andPublic Health].
2018. QUELLHORST, Hannah E. Master of Science Thesis: “Oxygen Consumption by Grain Storage Pests Pest in Relation to Hermetic Storage Systems and an Evaluation of Postharvest Management Practices by Smallholder Farmers in Haiti”. Purdue University. [Subject area: Ethnology, Agriculture].
2018. ROSIER, Keveny. Master of Arts in Education: “The Role And Effectiveness Of The Haitian Diaspora In The Development Of Haiti”. Boise University. 149 p.
2018. SCHELD, Patrick. Master of Science Thesis: “Who really controls haiti’s destiny? An examination of Haiti’s historical underdevelopment, endless poverty, and the role played by Non-Governmental Organizations (ngos)”. 76 p. University of Vermont. [Keywords /Subjects: Community Development and Applied Economics, Critiques of Neoliberalism, Dependency Theory and Haiti, Development, Duplication of Efforts, Enhance Institution Capacity, Neoliberalism in Haiti, NGO Regulation and Monitoring, NGOs and Haiti’s Development, Participation and Transparency, Sustainable Development, The No Aid alternative, What is an NGO?].
2018. WIENK, Ruthie. Doctoral Dissertation: “The Problem with the Haitians is their language: Language as Color-Blind Racism”. South Dakota State University. 200 p.
2017. AUGUSTIN, Josie A. Doctorral Dissertation: ”Youn Ede Lòt”: Help-Seeking Among Haitians”. Nova Southeastern University. [Key Words /Subjects: Barriers to treatment, Ethnic Minorities, Mental Health Services, Quantitative Minorities, Treatment Engagement]
2017. BRADFORD, Lydia. Senior Thesis: “Lavi pwezi kreyòl ayisyen soti nan lane 1975 rive 2000: yon vitrin idantite ak rezistans lengwistik”. 56 p. Duke University. [Key Words /Subjects: Creole poetry, Haitian poetry, Creole resistance, Modern poetry].
2017. FELIX, Geralda. Doctoral Dissertation: “Rural Haitian Women’s Experiences With Poor Health Through Poverty”. 168 p. Walden University.
2017. KEPPER, Katlin Danielle. Master of Science Thesis: “Examining The Aspirations And Expectations Of Haitian Eighth Grade Students”. 74 p. Teas A&M University. [Major Subect: Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications].
2017. MONÉREAU-MERRY, Marie-Michelle. Doctoral Dissertation: “Marie Manje Pa Pom Nan.” Examing the Cognitive Process of Restructuring and Advantage Selection in the Definite Article System in Haitian Creole among U.S born heritage speakers of Haitian Creole”. The City University of New York. 122 p.
2016. ALBERT, Bertrhude. Doctoral Dissertation: “An Analysis Of The Haitian Agricultural Education And Training (AET) System”. 245 p. University of Florida. [Keywords /Subjects: agriculture, college students, education, educational research, farmer, food, motivation, poverty, social capital, vocational education].
2016. AUGUSTIN, Ducarmel S. “An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian-Creole and Spanish Speaking English Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the English Language Learners Program”. Florida Atlantic University.
2016. DOUILLY, Roby. Doctoral Dissertation: “3D dynamic rupture simulation and local tomography studies following the 2010 Haiti earthquake”. [Subject area: Geophysics].
2016. ENGLE, Jayne. Doctoral Dissertation: “Stories of Tragedy, Trust and Transformation? Learning from participatory community development experience in post-earthquake Haiti”. 225 p. McGill University. Montreal, Canada. [Keywords /Subjects: Policy, Urban Planning and Design].
2016. FRANÇOIS, Roselor. Doctoral Dissertation: “An investigation of catholic education and the predicament of democracy in Haiti”. McGill University. [Subject: Integrated Studies in Education].
2016. PIERRE-LOUIS, Paul-Arthur. “An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian Creole and Spnaish Speaking Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the English Language Learners Program”. Florida Atlantic University.
2016. NYLUND, Clayton Carl. Doctoral Dissertation: “Adequate Funding For Primary Education In The Artibonite Department Of Haiti”. 79 p. University of Florida.
2016. LAFORET, Johnny Alex. Doctoral Dissertation: “Language maintenance by Haitian Immigrants in the USA: A case study of the Chicago Community”. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 164 p. [Key Words: French Studies, Haitian Creole, Haitians in Chicago, Language maintenance, Linguistics Identify, Migration, Second Language Acquisition, Teacher Education].
2016. SYMITHE, Steeve J. Doctoral Dissertation: “Present day plate boundary deformation in the Caribbean and crustal deformation on southern Haiti”. Purdue University.
2016. TANNISMA, Winder. «Les Syntagnes Pou Kò /Kont + Pro, Des Marqueurs Réflexifs En Créole Haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Joseph Marcel Georges]. Promotion Joseph Marcel Georges (2012-2016).
2016. TONOGBANUA, Elizabeth Paulsen. Doctoral Dissertation: “Transmigration Experiences of Newcomers in the Context of an English-Only Education: Sense-Making By Former Newcomers ELLS”. University of Massachusetts-Boston. [Keywords /Subjects: Beyond culturally relevant pedagogy; Changes in practice; Criticisms of the English-only movement; Cultural Relevance in Urban Education; Culturally relevant pedagogy; Culturally responsive leadership; Earthquake; Education; General Educators and Their Urban Students; Haiti and Haitians in the U.S; Haitian Families and Schooling; Haitian Families in the U.S; Haitian Migration to the Haitian Migration to Boston; History of Haiti; History of the English-only Movement ; Impact of Earthquake: Trauma and Loss; Implications for practice, policy, and research of teacher preparation programs and school districts; Integrative motivation in second language acquisition; Languages; LanguageTeacher and district preparation and preparedness; Official English Movement; School Adjustment; Second language learners and identity; Social identity theory; Social integration; Student voice; The Challenges in Haiti; The hidden curriculum; Tolerance in the mid-20th century; transmigration through digital storytelling Utility of Digital Storytelling; Transnational identity; Use of first language: Haitian Creole; Utilizing the technology].
2015. LEFEBVRE, Michelle J. Doctoral Dissertaion: "Animals, Food, And Social Life Among The Pre=Columbian Taino Of En Bas Saline, Hispaniola". University of Florida. [Keywords /Subjects: archeology, caribeen, eggshells, fish, food, foodways, invertebrates, social classes, specimens, Tainos, vertebrates, zooarcheology].
2015. STROUD, William B. Master of Music Thesis: “Music in Haiti: An annotated Bibliography and Research Guide”. 58 p. Teas State University.
2015. TARTER, Andrew. Doctoral Dissertationn: “Adaptive Arboreal Practices: Haitian Farmer Responses To On-Going Deforestation”. 223 p. University of Florida. [Keywords /Subject: Agriculture, Anthropoloty, Arboreal, Charcoal, Deforestation, Farmers, Haiti, Haiti, Land-change, Livelihoods, Woodland, Woodlot].
2014. FELIX, Jean-Louis III. Doctoral Dissertation: “Between Harlem and Paris: Haitian Internationalism in the Interwar Period, 1919-1937”. Florida International University. [Key words /Subjects: [Activism, African Diaspora, African-American, Afro-Francophone, Anti-Imperialism, Anti-occupation, Black Atlantic, Black Internationalism, Black Radicalism, Diaspora, Haitians, Harlem Renaissance, Migration, New Negro, Pan-Africanism, U.S Occupation of Haiti, Union patriotique].
2013. BLAISE, Jean. (Educational Policy, Research and Administration; Researcher). Doctoral Dissertation (University of Massachusetts-Amherst).
2013. CRAWFORD, Emma. Master Thesis: “Did Potential Gender Stereotypes, Held by Aid Workers, Impact the Effectiveness of the Emergency Relief Delivered in the Aftermauth of the 2010 Haitian Earthquake?”. Oxford Brookes University.
2013. GUILAMO, Daly. Doctoral Dissertation: “Fear Of a Black Country: Dominican Anti-Haitianism, the Denial of Racism, And Contradictions in The Aftermath Of The 2010 Earthquake”. Temple University. [Dedication (words of the author) “I dedicate this dissertation to my ancestors victimized by slavery, colonialism, postcolonialism, racism, the Trujillo dictatorship, and the Balaguer regime. This dissertation is also dedicated to all those who stood up and rebelled against the aforementioned atrocities affecting the African Diaspora. I also dedicate this dissertation to my mother, father, brother, and supportive friends for backing me, loving me, and remaining in my life].
2012. DOUILLY, Roby. Master of Science Thesis: “Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments”. Purdue University. [Subject: Geopolitics].
2012. GAFFIELD, Julia. Doctoral Dissertation: “So many Schemes in Agitation”: The Haitian State and the Atlantic World”. 301 p. Duke University. [Keywords /Subjects: A Second Treaty Proposal; An Official Treaty Proposal; Armed Merchant Vessels; British Regulation of Trade to Haiti; Consistent Rulings; Continued Trade; French Pressure at Curaçao; French Pressure at St. Thomas; Haiti and Jamaica after the French Defeat; Interdiction of Trade to Haiti; Is St. Domingo Still French?; Massacres in Haiti Conclusion; Merchant Islands; Power; Prohibiting Trade to St. Domingo; Rumors of Revolution Abroad Conclusion; Setting a Precedent; The Happy Couple and the Dart; The Manilla and the Pelican; The Privy Council and the Orders in Council; The Unofficial Agents].
2012. LÉGER, Natalie Marie. Doctoral Dissertation: “A Tragedy of Success!”: Haiti And The Promise of Revolution”. 2012. Cornell University. 287 p.
2012. MACHKINTOSH, Eric Shannon. Doctoral Dissertation: “The potential costs of prohibition: An analysis of the Second-Hand Clothing trade on the island of Hispaniola” . Keywords /Subjects: Dominican Republic, Hispaniola (Haiti), Second-hand clothing, Sustainable development, Trade liberation, Welfare impact].
2012. SYMITHE, Steeve Julien: “Coseismic slip distribution of the 2010 m7.0 Haiti earthquake and resulting stress on regional faults”. Purdue University.
2011. JEAN-JACQUES, Velouse. “the Effects of Culturally Translated School Counselor-LED Intervention on the Academic Achievement Fourth and Fith Grade Haitian Students”. Florida Atlantic University.
2011. JEAN-PIERRE,Marky.Profile.Doctoral Dissertation: “Language and learning in a post-colonial context: the case of Haiti”. (University of Massachusetts-Amhers). 2011. Foreign language teaching: French, Haitian Creole.[Abstract: “The purpose of this study is to investigate historical and linguistic forces that interact to undermine school achievement in Haiti. From a sociocultural perspective, this study explores the social, political, and historical forces that mediate language ideology and practices in Haitian schools and how such ideology and practices influence students' academic achievement. This study analyzes the role of French and Creole in schools and investigates the linguistic tensions in the Haitian society where Creole, the home language of both students and teachers and the only language broadly used in the country, is relegated to secondary importance in education and other institutional settings. The study relies on ethnographic data collected in a third grade, a fourth grade, a fifth grade, and a sixth grade classroom in a private and a public school in a semi-urban area around the capital city of Haiti as well as data collected in different sectors of the society (e.g. state and private institutions). Building upon the literature regarding classroom discourses and the literature on sociocultural theory, coloniality, language ideology, and symbolic domination, this study problematizes language and educational practices in Haiti and offers recommendations for rebuilding Haiti's educational system in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake of January 12th, 2010. Given the role of students' home language in their instruction, this study argues that any effort aiming the revitalization of the school system in Haiti needs to take into consideration issues related to language in the education system.”].
2011. SALT, Karen N. Doctoral Dissertation: “The Haitian question”. Purdue University. [Keywords /Subjects: American studies; Latin American history;American history; Caribbean Studies].
2011. SCHUTZ, Jenn. Master Thesis: “Small Wars Logistics: The Intervention in Haiti, 1915-1934” . 111 p. (Master of Arts in History). University of Nebraska.
2011. TELUS, Herrica. Master of Arts Thesis: “Ethnic Identities among Second-Generation Haitian Young Adults in Tampa Bay, Florida: An Analysiss of the Reported Influence of Ethnic Organizational Involvement on Disaster Response after the Earthquake of 2010”. University of South Florida.
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Some Senior Theses titles From FLA (Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée, State University of Haiti) and few masters theses in their joint program with Université Antilles-Guyane /UAG) that have not been recorded in our theses and dissertations database or did not have an electronic version. This research sample would be an open door for FLA and all other faculties at Université d’État d’Haïti: State University of Haiti to publish online all their senior theses (pdf format) or students can just do that themselves after their defense. --- Unfortunately, the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée /FLA) of the State University of Haiti has been destroyed in the tragedy of the January 12, 2010 earthquake. Many of its students died, along with it dean Pierre Vernet while in class. Prior to this tragedy, we were in touch with some students some two months before when they emailed us to work on a bibliography of the works of Suzanne Sylvain-Comhaire. In two weeks, we were done with the research and sent it to them. They were going to name the graduating class of 2010, “Promotion Suzanne Sylvain” (first Haitian woman linguist and anthropologist who defended a Doctoral dissertation at Université Sorbonne in Paris on Haitian Creole Grammar, a research that would soon became a classic for linguists specializing in Creole Studies. (Emmanuel W. Védrine).
Kèk nan tit Memwa Lisans (Mémoire de Licence de la FLA (Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée, Université d’État d’Haïti) e kèk tèz mastè nan pwogram patenarya ak Université Antilles-Guyane /UAG) ki pat anrejistre nan bank done tèz bank done tèz nou pibliye an liy oubyen ki pa t gen yon vèsyon elektwonik. Rechèch sa a se yon echantiyon ki ta ouvri pòt pou FLA e pou tout lòt fakilte Inivèsite Leta Ayiti pou pibliye memwa yo sou entènèt la (fòma pdf) oubyen oubyen, etidyan kapab fè yo menm yon fwa yo fin defann li. --- Malerezman, FLA te detwi nan trajedi 12 janvye a – ki tranblemanntè 2010 la. Anpil etidyan FLA, ansanm dwayen Pierre Vernet pandan yo te nan klas. Avan trajedi a, nou te an kontak ak kèk etidyan de mwa avan sa, lè yo te imel nou pou n travay sou yon bibliyografi zèv Suzanne Sylvain-Comhaire. Nan de semèn, nou te gen tan fini ak rechèch la, epi voye l ba yo. Yo ta pral nonmen klas 2010 la Pwomosyon Suzanne Sylvain (premye fanm ayisyèn lengwis e antwopològ ki defann tèz doktora l nan Université Sorbonne (Paris) sou Gramè Kreyòl, yon rechèch ki ta tounen yon klasik pou lengwis ki espesyalize nan etid kreyòl. (Emmanuel W. Védrine).
2020. PIERRE-LOUIS, Claudel. «Sémantique du verbe: la notion de valence verbale en créole haïtien et en français, une étude comparative des deux langues». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics].
2019. MICHEL, Michelet. (mars). «Les morphemes ala, ata, apa dans l’expression de l’exclamation et de la focalization en créole haïtien: une analyse syntaxico-sémantique». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Herby Claude; soutenu de 27 mars 2019].
2016. BRUTUS, Kensley. «La Dualité De Sense En Créole Haïtien À Travers Les Textes De Maurice A. Sixto: Une Analyse Sémantique Et Pragmatique De Quelques De Ses Discours». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics -- Sous la direction du Professeur Jean Bruny FRESMONT. [Promotion 2010-2014 (Yves Déjean)].
2015. SINEUS, Daniel. «Analiz leksiko-semantik ak sosyolengwistik ago kreyòl nan kèk zòn nan kè kapital la ak zòn Kafou». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction de : Junior René-Fils, Pwofesè nan Fakilte Lengwistik Aplike (UEH).
2015. ZIDOR, Kendi. «Contact de langues et imaginaire linguistique: le cas des présentateurs de nouvelles en créole à la radio à Port-Au-Prince». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain]. [Promotion 2005-2009].
2014. AFRICOT, Judith. «Implication du sujet parlant dans son discours: une analyse enonciative et pragmatique d’énonces tirés des roman: ‘Compères Général Soleil, L’espace D’un Cillement, Les Arbres Musiciens’ de Jacques Stephen Alexis». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics -- Sous la direction du Professeur Renauld Govain].
2014. CÉSAR, Jean Emmanuel. «De la politique linguistique pour la valorization du créole dans l’enseignement haïtien de 1979 à 2010: résulats, enjeux et perspectives». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics.
2014. CHARLES, Huckel. «Stratégie argumentatives et publicité: Le cas des messages publicitaires des agents de marketing dans les bus du transport en commun de Port-au-Prince». ». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain].
2014. COMPLOT, Mackenson. «Interprétation des énoncés à portee pragmatique: une analyse de quatre-ving-dix énoncés du créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics -- Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain].
2014. DRAGON, Mideline. «Terminologie de la pêche maritme en haïti et la question de variante régionale». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics -- Sous la direction du professeur Jean Bruny Fresmont -- promotion 2008-2012].
2014. FRANÇOIS, Nedet. «Le sémantisme des verbes créés et des verbes immigrés en créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Rochambeau Lainy (Ph.D)]. -- Promotion 2008-2012].
2014 (?) JULMÉ, Christina. «Analyise pragnatique de la signifiance de l’image de la femme dans dix chansons Rabòday produites par G-Dolph de 2011 à 2014». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Lemète Zéphyr].
2014. LAGUERRE, Bergson Cardiff. «Les traces du populisme dans les discours de jean-bertrand aristides et de michel martelly, dans une perspective comparative». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Délano Frantz Alexandre]. [Promtion 2014-2014].
2014. MICHEL, Enold. «Kreyolizasyon tèm ak konsèp ki itilize nan domèn telefòn mobil an Ayiti». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics. --- “Enterè pou travay la: Rechèch la prezante fason kreyolizasyon tèm ak konsèp ki itilize nan domèn telefòn mobil la fèt an Ayiti pi patikilyèman nan zòn metwopolitèn nan. Kreyasyon neyolojis ak pretay mo jwe yon gwo wòl nan anrichisman lang lan pandan lokitè kreyolofòn yo ap kreyolize lòt tèm ki te egziste deja. Tankou sa fèt nan plizyè lòt domèn pwofesyonèl, gen yon tèminoloji espesyal pou sektè kominikasyon an enpòtan anpil. Se nan sans lan nou reyalize travay sa a. Li ap ede itilizatè aparèy la gen yon konesans pi laj sou fonksyonnman li, eleman ki fòmi li, objektif piblisite pou aparèy la, pwomosyon, elatriye.»].
2014. MICHEL, Wilhem. «La problématique du système verbal Français des Élèves de la 9ème année Fondamentale» Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction de Monsieur Lionel Martin (Directeur-Adjoint de l’ISEF). -- Promotion 2009-2013].
2014. SALOMON, Jean Gardy. «Ses marques énonciatives de la dictature dans les discours du president François Duvalier». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Renauld Govain].
2013. LINDSKOOG, Carl. Doctoral Dissertation: “Refugees and Resistance: International Activism for Grassroots Democracy and Human Rights in New York, Miami, and Haiti, 1957 to 1994”. 409 p. City University of New York. [Keywords /Subjects: American history, Haiti, Human rights, Immigration, International Relations, Latin American history, Political activism, Refugees, Transitional movements].
2013. PAUL, Moles. «Valeur sémantique des prédicats non verbaux dans le discours de la presse parlée en créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Membre du Jury: Rogéda Dorcé Dorcil (président), Pierre Richard François (lecteur critique), Renaud Govain (directeur). -- Promotion 2007-2011].
2013. ST FORT, Myrlande. «Les application du formalisme HPSG dans la pluralisation en créole haïtien, une approche descriptive et et comparative» Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Joseph Marcel George. -- Promotion 2006-2010].
2012. DORNEVIL, Samuel. «Traces Énonclatives des Intentions Politiques de l’Artiste Sweet Micky: Une Étude de Dix (10) de Ses Chansons». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics [Sous la direction du Professeur Renauld Govain. [Mo Kle /Keywords; Related Sujbect: Valeur Morphologique, Sémantique, Syntaxique : Morphological Semantics, and Syntactic Value].
2011. ALEXIS, Yveline. Doctoral Dissertation: “Nationalish & the politics of historical memory: Charlemagne Peralte’s rebellion against U.S occupation of Haiti, 1915-1986”. University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
2011. DORCIL, Guertie. «Le créole de Bombita: aspects linguistiques et socilinguistique». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti : Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics [Membres du Jury: Rogéda Dorcé, (président), Pierre Richard François (lecteur critique), Renauld Govain (directeur). -- Promotion 2007-2011.
2011. HALLQUIST, Lesli J. Master’s thesis: “Defining fundamental needs for primary school design in Haiti”. Florida State University.
2010. VALAUBRUN, Louival. «Caractéristiques et stratégies de composition des textes publicitaires de Sony Bastien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain. Key word: Analyse du disours/ Speech analysis].
2010. PIERRE-FRANÇOIS, Wislène. «Les représentations de la démocratie dans le discours politique haïtien: analyse des discours d’investititure des chefs d’état légitimes haïtiens de 1988 à 2001». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Renauld Govain. -- Promotion 2004-2008].
2010. JEAN BAPTISTE, Sancha Desvarieux. «Maîtrise du français et echéc au baccalaurétat haïtien (1e partie) en histoire d’Haïti». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Renauld Govain. --- Promotion 2004-2008].
2009. LAFORET, Johnny Alex. «Les méthodes d’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais à l’ecole en haïti: un obstacle à une bonne appropriation de la langue». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Renaud Govain].
2009. GERMAIN, Séphora. «Des survivances africaines dans le créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain. -- Promotion 2005-2009].
2008. PIERRE-LOUIS, Bartholy. «Description des pronoms personnels du créoles haïtiens: une approche de la grammaire guidée par les têtes (HPSG)». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Frédéric Torterat, professeur à l’Université de Nice (France) et professeur Pierre Vernet (doyen de la FLA). -- Promotion Rogéda Dorcé Dorcil].
2008. MENARD, Rony. (décembre). «Influence lexico-sémantique de l’anglais sur le créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Wesner Mérant. -- Promotion 1997-2001].
2007. DIVERS, Alex Joseph. «L’Echec de l’enseignement /apprentissage de l’anglais au niveau des classes de 7e, 8 e, Et De 9 e année fondamentales dans deux communes de l’Artibonite. Analyse des causes, pistes de solution». Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics].
2007. PIERRE-LOUIS, Bartholy. «Description de pronoms personnels du créole haïtien: une approche de la grammaire guidée par les têtes (HPSG)». [Mémoire de licence en linguistique].
2007. FRANÇOIS, Pierre Richard. «Le système verbal du créole haïtien: TAM». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur F. Toreterat. – Promotion : Rogeda Dorcé Dorcil, 2002 – 2006].
2007. PIERRE, Roberson. «La nomination dans le créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur M. Frédéric Torterat, Professeur à l’Université de Nice. -- Promotion Rogéda Dorcé Dorcil: 2002-2006.
2006. VOLNY, Louinès. «Alternance codique dans la classe de français en Haïti». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti; Sous la direction de M. Lionel Martin (directeur adjoint de l’ISEF)]. -- Mémoire Maîtrise de Français Langue Étrangère./ Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG)].
2006. NUMA, Wander. «Le recours à la langue maternelle en classe de fls par des apprenants haïtiens en milieu urbain: le cas de la commune de Carrefour». [Mémoire de DEA sous la direction du Professeur Pierre DUMONT, Professeur des Universités. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. -- Année universitaire: 2005-2006. / Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG)].
2006. MICHEL, Wilhem. «La problématique du système verbal français des élèves de la 9ème année fondamentale». Sous la direction de Monsieur Lionel Martin (Directeur-Adjoint de l’ISEF). [Mémoire pour l’obtention du grade Maitrise en didactique du Français Langue Étrangère]. / Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG)].
2006. LAROCHE, Dodly. «Étude lexicographique sur la riche sémantique d’un certain nombre de signifiants dans le créole haïtien». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Pierre Vernet].
2006. JULES, Reginal. «Problématique de l’enseignement du français oral au niveau de la 7ème année fondamentale». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti; Sous la direction de Monsieur Pierre Dumont, professeur des Universités, Directeur de l’ISEF]. Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG). Année universitaire: 2005-2006.
2006. GEORGES, Joseph Marcel. «L’enseignement de la grammaire: quelle méthodologie?» [Produit e soutenu en 2006 dans le cadre du programme conjoint, FLA /UAG]. 82 pages, Master 2. /Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG)].
2006. FELIX, Jean Nelson. (octobre). «L’analyse prepositionnelle de la phrase complexe: limites d’une approche méthodologique». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics [Dirigé par M. Frédéric Torterat, professeur à l’Université de Nice, France. -- Promotion Rogéda Dorcé Dorcil, 2002-2006].
2006. ETIENNE, Léonard. Mémoire pour l’obtention de Maîtrise de Français; Sous la direction du Professeur Pierre Dumony, professeur des universités. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG). Institut Supérieur d’Études Francophones (ISEF). /Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG).
2005. SYLVESTRE, Serge. «L’Enseignement du créole Haïtien: quel Métalangage?». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Pierre VERNET].
2005. NICOLAS, Daniel. «Nouvelle tentative d’alphabétisation en Haïti (1994-2003): amélioration ou échec? analyse de l’aspect linguistique». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction de: Pierre Vernet (doyen de la Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée). -- Promotion 1987-1990.
2005. MÉRANT, Wesner. «Enseignement /Apprentissage du français à travers l’analyse de fautes commises par les élèves de la 9eme (neuvième) année fondamentale en Haïti». [Memoire pour l’obtention de maîtrise de français langue étrangère. Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG), Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Francophones (ISEF). Sous la direction de Monsieur Pierre Dumont, Professeur des Universités./ Joined Master program between FLA and Université Antilles-Guyane (UAG)].
2005. DORLUS, Wilner. «Les déictiques spatiaux en créole haïtien». Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Robert Damoiseau].
2004. GOVAIN, Renauld. «Degré de competence des élèves en français et en créole». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics].
2003. FILS-AIMÉ, Edy. 2003. FILS-AIMÉ, Edy. «Les caractéristiques sémantiques et linguistiques du discours informatif: Analyse d’un corpus de presse ecrite». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du Professeur Claude Clément Pierre]. Promotion 1998-2002.
2000. SAINT-VIL, Ronald. «Études sur les croisements du créole et du français en Haïti». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Pierre Vernet].
(Year?). SENATUS, Frandy Lesly. «L’Expression de l’engagement chez Manno Charlemagne: une analyse enonciative et pragmatique de dirs (10) chansons de l’artiste». Faculté de Linguistique Appliquée (FLA), Université d’État d’Haïti: Faculty of Applied Linguistics, State University of Haiti. [Mémoire de License en Linguistique /Bachelor Thesis in Linguistics; Sous la direction du professeur Renauld Govain].
(Year?). DESMANGLES, Maryse.
(Year?). JULES, Reginal.
* * *
Bibliography Research : Rechèch Bibliyografik
RADIO HAITI INTER. • Audio from Radio Haiti-Inter. [“Documenting Haitian politics, society and culture from 1957 to 2003, bulk 1972-2003…1,960 audiocassettes, 1,663 open-reel audio tapes, 5 digital audio tapes, and 37 VHS video tapes from Radio Haiti-Inter, documenting Haitian politics, society and culture from 1957 to 2003 (bulk 1972-2003). Under the leadership of station directors Jean Dominique and Michèle Montas, Radio Haiti was a voice of social change and democracy, speaking out against oppression and impunity while advocating for human rights and celebrating Haitian culture and heritage”, Radio Haiti Inter].
VALDMAN, Albert. • Collection of Haitian Education Materials : Keleksyon Materyèl sou Edikasyon Ayisyen. Indiana University. (Ref. Indiana University Creole Institute Collection and Indiana University web links) -- ABSTRACT: ABSTRÈ -- This collection consists primarily of Haitian school materials and literature relating to the Bernard Education Reform beginning in 1980. Additionally, it includes Creole and French literature, secondary texts about Haitian literature and culture, and materials used for bilingual programs in the United States. ACCESS (Aksè): The collection is open for research. Interested patrons may request it from the Auxiliary Library Facility, where it is housed. HISTORICAL NOTE (Nòt Istorik): An attempt to restructure Haiti's education system began with the launch of the Bernard Reform of Education in 1979, named for the former Minister of Education, Joseph C. Bernard. The reform was established in response to the growing status of the Creole language, the need to increase the level of access to basic education, and to improve the overall efficiency of the system. To address these issues, the newly formed Department of National Education (DEN /Depatman Edikasyon Nasyonal) introduced the use of Creole as a language of instruction in Haitian schools. (As Creole was not recognized as an official language of Haiti until 1987, this was a rather controversial move.) Despite the intentions, this initial period of the reform was halted in the mid-1980s due to a lack of implementation, among other factors. --- The 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s also saw efforts to improve literacy and rural development. Various organizations initiated projects and produced informational pamphlets in this area. These include government institutions such as the National Office for Community Education (ONEC) and the National Office for Literacy and Community Education (ONAAC), Catholic and Protestant organizations such as the Radio Soleil, and international organizations such as UNESCO, who organized a literacy project in 1979. --- As Haitians immigrated to the United States, issues of bilingual education for Haitian children also needed to be addressed. Various projects formed with funding through Title VII of ESEA and bilingual programs were established in three major diaspora areas: New York, Boston, and Miami. The IU Creole Institute was also heavily involved in the instruction of Haitian Creole in the United States. In the 1980s, the institute coordinated four summer institutes in the diaspora areas to train teachers involved in the bilingual education of Haitian children. --- ARRANGEMENT (Aranjman): The collection is divided into five main series: I. Bernard Reform of Education, II. Rural Education in Haiti, III. Bilingual Program Materials, III. Literature, and IV. Secondary Sources. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE: Professor Albert Valdman acquired these materials over the course of his career as a scholar of the Haitian Creole language and Director of the Indiana University Creole Institute. The items were part of the Creole Institute's library until they were donated to the IU Herman B Wells Library in 2010. -- The collection is divided into five series: Bernard Reform of Education, Rural Education in Haiti, Bilingual Program Materials, Literature, and Secondary Sources. -- The first series comprises the majority of the collection, consisting primarily of schoolbooks published by the Department of National Education (Depatman Edikasyon Nasyonal, DEN) in Haiti, but also the non-governmental organization Komité Edikasyon Karitas, Ench. These items are largely in Creole, but some French texts are also included. -- The second series consists of pamphlets and texts relating to literacy education and rural development of the general population. -- Materials for the major bilingual programs for Haitian children in the United States are contained in the third series. This series also includes issues of the bilingual educational periodical Edikatè à L'educateur from 1986-1990. -- Literature in this collection includes materials such as poetry, fictional works, religious texts, and translations. These are primarily in Creole and French, but also some English. The secondary sources include books on topics in Haiti such as development, migration, religion, and education, among others. CONTAINER LIST: I. BERNARD REFORM OF EDUCATION (Refòm Bernard la pou Edikasyon) a. DEN BOX 1: Creole Grammar Readers. BOX 2: Creole Grammar Readers, Iv Dejean, Institi Pedagojik Nasyonal, Sosyete Biblik Pou Ayiti. BOX 3: Gid Met La Series: Reading/Writing. BOX 4: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Texts. BOX 5: Liv Pou Kou Franse en Ayiti BOX 6: Liv Klas: Aprann Franse. BOX 7: Liv Klas: Aprann Franse, 2 b. ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS (Piblikasyon Adisyonèl). BOX 8: Komitè Edikasyon Karitas, Ench. (1st-4th years). BOX 9: Komitè Edikasyon Karitas, Ench. (Years 5-6). BOX 10: Miscellaneous . II. RURAL EDUCATION IN HAITI (Edikasyon Riral an Ayiti):Box 11: ONEC/ONAAK; BOX 12: NUTRITION and Health Teaching Materials; Box 13: HYGIENE, NUTRITION, and FAMILY PLANNING; BOX 14: DEVLOPMAN RIRAL: Kek ti Liv. III. BILINGUAL PROGRAM MATERIALS (Materyèl Pwogram Bileng), BOX 15: Dejan, Iv (Yves Dejean): Joli Joli KONT Series, 1979-1981; BOX 16: Title VII ESEA Bilingual Program; Brooklyn, New York; BOX 17: Dade County Public Schools, Southeast Curricula Development Center (1); BOX 18: Dade County Public Schools, Southeast Curricula Development Center (2); BOX 19: Dade County Public Schools, Projet Haitien: Ethnic Heritage Series, 1978-1989 (1); BOX 20: Dade County Public Schools, Projet Haitien: Ethnic Heritage Series, 1978-1989 (2); BOX 21: Marie Levy Materials; BOX 22: Other; BOX 23: Edikatè à L’educateur, 1986-1990; IV. LITERATURE/ Literati(Boxes 24-27); V. SECONDARY SOURCES (Sous Segondè); BOX 28: Haitian Development, Politics, Economics, and other Social Issues; BOX 29: Religion and Culture; BOX 30: Multidisciplinary -- Finding aid by Susan M. Bogner -- Location: French & Italian Department and Arts & Humanities.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. • A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Cape Verde. (Compiled by E.W. Védrine).
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (20th Century), including Theses & Dissertations Related to Haitian Creole. (Compiled by E. W. Védrine).
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (from 2001-2004). (Bibliographie des thèses qui ont rapport avec Haiti, de 2001-2004). (Compiled by E. W. Védrine).
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti from 2011-2010. (Compiled by) E. W. Védrine).
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to the Dominican Republic. (Compiled by E. W. Védrine, and Andres Paniagua). University of Massachusetts-Boston. [Research done upon the request of his Excellency, Dr. Leonel Fernandez, President of the Dominican Republic and presented at the Dominican-American National Roundtable (DANR), 8th Annual Conference held at University of Massachusetts-Boston. October 2005].
---. An Annotated Bibliography on Haitian Creole: A review of publications from colonial times to 2000. 700 pages. © 2003 by E. W. Védrine and E. W. Védrine Creole Project. . [General Authors' Index (Endèks Jeneral otè); Index of Titles : Endèks Tit; Acknowledgements & General Introduction (Rekonesans e Entwodiksyon) pp 5; Abbreviations & Symbols used in this book : Abreviyasyon & Senbòl ki itilize nan liv la, pp 20; In praise of the author (Éloge de l’auteur : Lomeyans pou otè a); Chapter : Chapit I: A bibliography of Periodicals with publications on Kreyòl (268 entries : antre, pp 26-35); Chapter : Chapit II (2): Agriculture, Floraand Fauna | Flòr e Fonn (61 entries : antre, pp 36-43); Chapter III (3): Bibliographies (12 entries : antre, pp 44-47); Chapter : Chapit IV (4): Classification by authors : klasman pa otè, pp 48-71; Chapter : Chapit V (5): Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Related Sources : Diksyonè, Glosè, e Sous ki an rapò (130 entries : antre), pp 72-119; Chapter : Chapit VI (6): Education (edikasyon) Literacy (alfabetizasyon), and Teaching Materials : e Materyèl didaktik /pedagojik (334 entries : antre) pp 120-165; Chapter : Chapit VII (7): Folklores, Folk tales & Stories : Foklò, Iswa-kont & Istwa (230 entries : antre, pp166-188); Chapter : Chapit VIII (8): General Subjects : Sijè Jeneral (445 entries : antre), pp 189-254; Chapter : Chapit IX (9): Geography and History : Jewografi e Istwa (63 entries : antre, pp 255-265); Chapter (Chapit): Grammar : Gramè (72 entries : antre) pp 266-279; Gramè Kreyòl VEDRINE Grammar of Haitian Creole (354 p., 1996); Kreyol Without Toil: an introductory course to Haitian Creole (version to be printed : vèsyon pou enprime); Sistèm Alfabè Kreyòl Aysiyen : The Haitian Creole Writing System; Chapter : Chapit XI (11): Health & Hygiene : Sante e Ijyèn (52 entries : antre) 280-283; Chapter : Chapit XII (12): Historical Linguisitcs : Lengwistik Istorik (88 entries : antre, pp. 284-300); Chapter : Chapit XIII (13): Novels & Short Stories : Woman e Resi & Istwa Kout (108 entries : antre) pp 301-319; Chapter : Chapit XVI (14): Orthography | Òtograf (112 entries : antre, pp 320-341); Chapter : Chapit XV (15): Plays (including related works : Pyès teyal enkli zèv ki an rapò 88 entries : antre), pp. 344-357; Chapter : Chapit XVI (16): Poetry : Pwezi /Powèm (204 entries : antre), pp 358-380; Chapter : Chapit XVII (17): Poroverbs : Pwovèb (54 entries : antre), pp 381-392; Chapter : Chapit XVIII (18): Religious Studies : Etid Relijye (145 entries), pp 393-403; Chapter XIX (19): Sociolinguistics : Sosyolengwistik (119 entries : antre) pp 404-493; Chapter : Chapit XX (20): Teaching Materials For Learners of Haitian Creole : Materyèl didaktik /pedagoji pou moun k ap aprann kreyòl ayisyen (Kreyòl, 41 entries : antre) pp 432-435; Chapter : Chapit XXI (21): Theoretical Linguistics : Lengwistik Teyorik (325 entries : antre) pp 436-471; Chapter : Chapit XXII (22); Chapter : Chapit XXIII: Theses & Dissertations related to Haitian Creole : Tèz (metriz, doktora) ki an rapò ak kreyòl ayisyen (75 entries : antre) pp 472-485; Chapter XXII (22); Chapter : Chapit XXIII (23): Interviews with some Haitian Creolists, Journalists and Authors (Entèvyou ak kèk kreyolis, jounalis e otè), pp 486-335 [Interview : Entèvyou #1: Charlot Lucien and Frankétienne (pp 486-490); Interview : Entèvyou #2 (see Appendix); Interview : Entèvyou #3: Nounous (Lenous Surprice) and Kaptenn Koukourouj (Michel-Ange Hyppolite) pp 491-496; Interview : Entèvyou #4: Emmanuel W. Védrine and Roody Barthelemy (pp 497-500); Interview : Entèvyou #5 Edikatè à l’Edicateur : an Interview with Haitian novelist Deyita (Mercedes Guignard on her novel Esperans Dezire : Yon entèvyou ak womansye Deita, Mercedes Guignard sou woman li an Esperans Dezire), pp 500-503; Interview : Entèvyou #6 (see : wè Appendix); Interview : Entèvyou #7: Yvon Lamour, Emmanuel W. Védrine, Keslèbrezo (Kesler Brézault), Kaptenn Koukourouj (Michel-Angle Hyppolite)]; Chapter : Chapit XXIV (24): General Authors’ Biographies : Bibliyografi Jeneral otè, pp 537; Appendix (Part /Pati I, II, III - Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti : Tèz (metriz, doktora) ki an rapò ak Ayiti (308 entries : antre, pp 572, 594, 600); Index of Titles : Endèks Tit, pp 630; General Authors’ Index : Endèks Jeneral Otè, pp 680; About the author : Sou otè a, pp 625. In praise of the author (Éloge de l’auteur : Lomeyans pou otè a). [Research presented the International Linguistic Symposion in French Guyana, organized by IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement). Spring 2003].
---. “An Electronic Teaching Materials’ Model For Haitian Students And Teachers”. (compiled by) E. W. Védrine. [Yon Modèl Materyèl Didaktik pou Elèv e Pwofesè Ayisyen].
---. Bibliographie Haïtienne et Indices Biographiques. (Compiled by E. W. Védrine and Francesca Palli). [Online General Bibliography Related to Haiti : Bibliyografi an liy ki an rapò ak Ayiti].
---. “Educational Resources and Orientation Training for Haitian Teachers”. (compiled by) E. W. Védrine. [Resous Edikasyonèl e Seyans Oryantasyon pou Anseyan Ayisyen].
---. Haiti’s Super Web Directory & Diaspora (compiled by). E. W. Védrine. [Gran Ànyè Elektwonik Ayiti & Dyaspora].
---. Path to the most ever published Bibliography Research on Haitian Creole. E. W. Védrine.
---. “Seventy Five Years of Research and Publications on Haitian Creole”. E. W. Védrine. [Swasannkenz Ane Rechèch ak Piblikasyon sou kreyòl ayisyen]
---. Suzanne Comhaire- Sylvain : a bibliography of her publications. (Compiled by E. W. Védrine).
• Twenty five Years of Research & Publications on Haiti, the Haitian Diaspora and on Haitian Creole. © by E. W. Védrine. -- Vennsenk) Ane Rechèch ak Piblikasyon sou Ayiti, Dyaspora Ayisyen, e sou Kreyòl Ayisyen -- Vingt-cinq ans de Recherche et de Publications sur Haïti, la Diaspora Haitienne et sur le Créole Haïtien.
* * *
Diksyonè, Glosè & Echantiyon Bank Done Kreyòl
OREM, William. “Book of changes: the preservation of Creole, a nuanced language…”. Research & Creative Activity, Vol. XXIII, No. 1. April 2000. Indiana University.
VALDMAN, Albert (Project director, editor). English Haitian Creole Bilingual Dictionary. iUniverse, Bloomington, Indiana. 2017. ISBN 9781532016011. 1148 Pages. (Volume II of the “DICO Project” that started out in Fall 1999). Indiana University. Native speakers editing team: Emmanuel W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, and Nicolas André.
---. Haitian Creole-English Bilingual Dictionary. A. Valdman (project director, editor). Native speakers editing team: Emmanuel W. Védrine, Frenand Léger, Jacques Pierre, and Nicolas André. 781 + xxxiv pages. (Volume I, The “DICO Project”). Indiana University. 2007.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W.
---. “Dictionary of Haitian Proverbs”. E. W. Védrine. [Unpub manuscript].
---. “English-Haitian Creole-English Dictionary of Medical Terminologies”. (Unpub. manuscript).
---. “Haitian – English Dictionary) by Bryant Freeman, revised by E. W. Védrine”. Indiana Universty. Fall 1999).
---. Dictionary of Haitian Creole Verbs with Phrases and Idioms. E. W. Védrine. 1992. 246 Pages. Publisher: Soup to Nuts. Cambridge, MA.
---. English – Haitian Creole Computer Terms : Tèm Konpwoutè: Anglè – Kreyòl. Emmanuel W. Védrine.
---. Haitian Creole D-base: Haïti Progrès. (Compiled and edited by E. W. Védrine).
---. Haitian Creole D-base: Kri pou liberasyon (Cry for liberation), a collection of poems in Haitian Creole. E. W. Védrine.
---. Haitian Creole D-Base: Writings By E. W. Védrine ( Part I).
---. Interview with André Vilaire Chéry. [On the evolution of Haitian Creole, post dechoukay or after February 7, 1986]. Indiana University–Creole Institute. December 1999. / Yon Entèvyou ak Vilaire Chéry nan kad rechèch li sou yon envantè mo ak espresyon li dokimantè nan konjonkti politik Ayiti a, soti 7 fevriye 1986 pou rive nan lan 2000].
---. Leksik kreyòl: ekzanp devlopman kèk mo ak fraz a pati 1986.
---. New words and idioms entering Haitian Creole : Mo nouvo ak espresyon ki antre nan kreyòl.
---. Petit lexique du créole haïtien. (historical linguistics: linguistique diachronique). Orèsjozèf Publications. 1995. 87 p.
---. Quelques plantes créoles et leurs noms latin : Kèk plant Kreyòl ak non yo an laten.
---. Say it in Haitian Creole, English and French: a trilingual glossary of phrases and idioms. [Forthcoming / A trilingual Glossary for learners of Haitian Creole, English, French and a guide for translators]. forthcoming. E. W. Védrine.
---. Yon koudèy sou de gran diksyonè sou kreyòl ayisyen : A look at two great dictionaries on Haitian Creole. E. W. Védrine.
VEDRINE, Emmanuel W. • Online Educational Resources for Haitian Teachers, Students, Schools in Haiti and in Diaspora. [Bibliography].
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Cape Verde. (Compiled by E.W. Védrine).
---. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations related to Haiti (20th Century), including Theses & Dissertations Related to Haitian Creole. (Compiled by E. W. Védrine).
E. W. Védrine Creole Project, Inc.
Boston, Massachusetts. USA