The International Organisation of Creole People
L'Organisation Internationale des Peuples Creoles
Lorganisasyion Internasyonal bann Pep Kreol
Konsit toutwonlate pep kreyol


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In May 2005 an International Creole Symposium and Festival was held in Las Vegas USA; during the preconference sessions on the 17 th and 18 th May Creole delegates from various parts of the USA, from Australia, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Mauritius got together to review the 1999 Creole Symposium held in the Seychelles, and evaluated the progress that has been accomplished since then.

It was assessed that Creolism is still going strong and many new Creole movements have been established mainly in the Diasporas eg Australia and Canada . It was also noticed that although regular meetings and festivals are held yearly, they are more on a regional rather than on an International level and consequently, there is not much communi cat ion within the Creole world. This lack of interaction was mainly due to the disappearance of Banzil Kreol, the last Pan Creole organization.

In view of the situation the delegates decided to set up a new structure and the name, The International Organisation for Creole People was proposed by Rapahel Confiant and accepeted unanimously. An adhoc/working committee was then established with the following attributions :

President Raphaël Confiant Martinique
Vice-President Nolan Molanson Huston-USA
General Secretary Georgy de Lamare Australia
Ast-Secretary and Carribean liaison officer Carine Gendrey Guadeloupe
Treasurer Paula Dupre-More Los Angeles-USA
Members Jocelyn Gregoire Mauritius and Indian Ocean
  John Dubois Hutchison Los Angeles-USA

Please find below full details of the sessions.

The Las Vegas International Creole Symposium 2005

Work undertaken at preconference level on Tuesday 17 & 18 May 2005.

Themes: Revisiting the 1999 Seychelles International Creole Symposium

  • Towards the Creation of a Pan Creole Movement.
  • Introduction of various participants and their respective organizations.

Participants Raphaël Confiant, George Lamvohee, Carine Gendrey, Nolan Melonson, Paula Dupre-Chevalier Moore, Jocelyn Gregoire, Dena Bonner, John Hutchinson.

Topics discussed

  1. What progress has been made since 1999 in the promotion of Creolism
  2. Review of commonalities and differences/particularities
  3. Develop strategies for - the Creole world to come closer
    - Dissemination of Information
    - Calendar of events allowing maximum exposure and international participation
    - Intensifying communi cation among the various Creole organizations/groups
  4. The opportunities and threats
  5. What lies ahead?

Outcome –

The setting up of the International Organisation of Creole People

Why ?

  • To coordinate programs and a calendar of activities
  • To explore level of awareness of Creolism around the Creole world
  • To get Creole people closer and learn more from each other
  • To demonstrate to the world who we are and where we are
  • To voice out any injustice and discrimination towards Creole people
  • To act as a unifying mechanism

Who will be the members?

  • Creole organizations, Groups, Clubs or cultural organizations promoting Creole culture
  • Scholars, Individuals, Militants, Activists, Authors, Researchers, Artists,

The Broad aims and objectives of the organization

  • The promotion of the Creole Culture worldwide
  • Encourage interaction among the groups at local and international level.
  • Coordinate efforts towards identify building
  • Provide technical assistance where needed
  • Organize with the help of various local groups a yearly International Symposium

Action Plan :

  • Make a survey of organizations and other resourses in the Creole world and Diasporas
  • A compilation of all Creole sites
  • Setting up a website for the I.O.C.P
  • Who is who in the Creole World?
  • The setting up of an International Creole Research Institute

What to research?

  • The similarities and differences or particularities
  • The history and development of creolism in the different parts of the world
  • The Creole legacy (eg oral traditions, language, religion,cuisine, values )
  • What are the opportunities and threats facing the Creole World ?
  • It is a matter of having input from academics as well as activists, artists and researchers


  • Yearly meeting like the Creole and pidgin society
  • Publications to be coordinated and advertised
  • Build up a pool of resourses


  • How is it going to be financed?
    • Through the contributions and donations of groups, individuals, sponsors, business, rich creoles, university grants, etc…
 boule An account of The Las Vegas International Creole Symposium 2005.
 boule Videoconférence: Rapprochement des peuples créoles.